Flexible Working Arrangements
In today's ever-evolving workplace, flexibility is key to fostering a harmonious balance between work and life commitments. This package is curated to empower employers to implement and manage flexible working arrangements within their organisation.
The Flexible Working Arrangements Package includes:
1. Information Sheet - Flexible Working Arrangements: This information sheet provides an overview of flexible working arrangements within the framework of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth).
2. Manager’s Guide and Covering Letter: Equipping managers with the tools they need, our Manager’s Guide is a resource to assist managers in understanding and implementing the company's flexible working arrangements policy effectively.
3. Flexible Working Arrangements Policy: This Policy outlines the company's policy regarding flexible working arrangements.
4. Flexible Request Form: Simplify the process for your employees with our easy-to-use request form, enabling them to formally request flexible working arrangements tailored to their individual needs.
5. Letters to Employees: Acceptance, Compromise, Rejection: These letters are templates that can be used to formally communicate the outcome of an employee's request for flexible working arrangements.
This package is intended for employers in Australia who are covered by the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth). Laws and regulations governing employment are subject to change. The content included in this package reflects the legal landscape at the time of purchase. However, the information in the package is intended as a general guide only, not legal advice, and specific legal or HR advice should be sought when necessary.