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Show Cause Process

Show Cause Process


Before taking disciplinary action against an employee, it's crucial to adhere to a procedurally fair process. This not only upholds the principles of natural justice but also minimises the risk of legal repercussions, especially if the employee's employment is ultimately terminated.  The HR Basics' Show Cause Package is crafted to guide employers through the intricacies of the show cause process, enabling them to uphold fairness and transparency, while addressing performance or behavioural concerns.


The Show Cause Package includes:


1. Information Sheet - Show Cause Process: This Information Sheet outlines the necessary process and steps involved in the show cause process.


2. Checklist - Show Cause Process: Utilise this Checklist to help ensure all necessary steps are followed during a show cause process.


3. Template - Notice of Meeting Letter: Utilise this letter to notify an employee about a meeting to discuss the company’s issues or concerns.


4. Template - Show Cause Meeting Script: Utilise this structured script to guide the discussion during a show cause meeting to ensure that key points are addressed and that the meeting remains focused and productive.


5. Template - Show Cause Letter: Utilise this letter to notify an employee of the company’s issues or concerns and the show cause process.


6. Template - Show Cause Outcome Letter: Utilise this letter to notify the employee of the outcome of the show cause process after their response (if any) is considered.




This package is intended for employers in Australia who are covered by the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth). Laws and regulations governing employment are subject to change. The content included in this package reflects the legal landscape at the time of purchase. However, the information in the package is intended as a general guide only, not legal advice, and specific legal or HR advice should be sought when necessary.

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